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Antje is a member of Maastricht Baptist Church which wholeheartedly supports her as sending church. Her home front committee (thuisfrontcommissie, TFC) consists of people from this fellowship as well as family and other friends. The TFC helps Antje in practical ways, prays for her, and organises financial support.

There are also many more people involved in supporting Antje: family members, friends, colleagues, church members and acquaintances. We warmly invite you to help Antje too!

The TFC-members are:
Cornel van Schayck, chair
Loretta Teitsma-Zoer, secretary
Jeroen Teitsma, webmaster
Jorik Vellekoop, public relations
Gerson Zwarts, treasurer
Monique Zwarts, public relations 

As TFC-members we’d like to introduce ourselves to you and say why we are keen to support Antje in her mission work:

Cornel van Schayck

Jeroen and Loretta Teitsma

Antje and Loretta have been friends for many years. Their friendship began during their time together as students in a student Christian group (Ichthus CU) in Groningen. they’ve shared many experiences over the years since then. Also after Jeroen started to join. We count it a privilege to still be involved in her daily life through the TFC.

Jorik Vellekoop
Antje and I joined the Baptist Church in Maastricht at about the same time. We clicked immediately because of our similar career paths. We had both specialised in tropical medicine. After her training in tropical medicine Antje chose to train to become a surgeon, while I studied to become a gynaecologist. I work now in the Netherlands while Antje works in Bangladesh. It’s a wonderful thing to take part in her home front committee (TFC) and to stay involved in what she is doing in her work.

Gerson and Monique Zwarts
We are Antje's brother and sister-in-law and she has a very special place in our hearts. We've followed Antje all the way and we really think it's wonderful that Antje has bravely taken on this challenge. We're grateful that we can support her in her mission!