Happy New Year (1425)!
Written by Antje on April 17th 2018 22:14
Last Saturday, April 14, we celebrated the new year—1425—here. This was a big celebration! Here in a land where Muslims, Hindus and Christians live side by side, is this a celebration everyone can celebrate together. And this is done to the fullest! Traditionally this is a celebration in which the Bengali culture is celebrated. The colors red and white are prominent in the dress code.
We started the day with a march. In previous years the banner that was held was made by hand, but this time it was printed. I found it a little less beautiful!
Ready for the march! If you look carefully you’ll see that the next generation is much longer than the previous generation!
With loud music and beating drums we walk in procession.
Er was There was room for a dance!
Then there was “Pantha Bhat “ -rice soaked in water overnight making it slightly fermented-. Historically, rice was cooked this way and then saved for breakfast.
In the afternoon there was an “open podium “ where mostly children could dance and sing.
And there was definitely a large audience!
Also we as foreigners could sing a song. We tried as much as possible to let our mother tongue be heard.
All in all this was a full day, but also very nice. It was especially good to see how our staff and their families enjoyed the day.